Here are the goals! We got a lot to do next year and a lot to look forward to. Many of the goals I am already working towards and have started on. Everything takes time and if you look at this as a giant mountain it will never get done and will intimidate the hell out of you. That is why I take some of these larger tasks and break them down into smaller bites.
Like with writing I get through draft 0 then move on to adding elements I find out while writing adding them in where needed. Sometimes these two happen simultaneously. Then draft 2 happens where I make sure there isn't obvious plot holes and add more emotion and feeling into the story. A story just doesn't appear in my hands though sometimes I wish it would. It goes through many steps to get to the final product.
Overall I am liking where 2024 and 2025 is headed. I am hoping with a little bit more marketing focus my books can take off even more. Are you all working towards any goals in 2024?