Edits and critiques are still going well. Getting a lot of good feedback and people are loving this new story so far! It is making me so excited about this book to come out. I have a bunch of plans for the release of this book since I did a slower book launch with my first books. So to get you guys as hyped as I'm feeling, I have some pictures to show you that are close to what I am envisioning when talking about these characters.

First up is Bloo this is a small creature that comes from the forest. He is young and still not a full-grown adult yet. He can talk in small sentences or mimic words. Furthermore, he has a penchant for mischief and disobeying commands. How do you think he got to this town in the first place... Did I say that?
His fur is soft and loves to pounce on things. He is constantly chasing
things that fly.
Anyway ooo look at that over there a pretty butterfly.
What is a butterfly doing here? What could it mean? Perhaps we should follow it.
