Allen has got his personal assistant shirt and is ready for these book signings! I loved how it turned out. I wanted him to not have to worry about what he was wearing the days for each signing. The table runner also came in but I will share pictures of that later at a book signing when I have a booth all put together and pretty.

Him and I are so excited to be traveling again. We are going to be meeting so many different people and going to so many different places. I am trying to keep closer traveling wise but am open to one or two that are a bit further.
Legend of the Forest is finally finished with the draft! Now it is time for edits and getting a move on that. I hope to work through most of those in the next couple of months. I am hoping to have it done and finished for a July or August release. So that I can have them released for the book signings I am doing this year.
This year is definitely shaping up to be busy all year round and that's okay with me.
Looking good Allen!!
Looking good Allen!!